15-ans masque
Masami Tsuchiya

1970年代に入ってからはスタジオ・ミュージシャンとして活動を開始、りりィのバックバンド「バイバイ・セッション・バンド」、大橋純子のバックバンド「美乃家セントラル・ステイション」を経て1978年に一風堂を結成し、1984年まで活動。その間、イギリスのバンドJAPANのワールドツアーにサポートメンバーとして参加したこともある。それがきっかけで1985年には同じイギリスのバンドであるDuran Duranのサイモン・ル・ボン、ニック・ローズ、ロジャー・テイラーが結成したARCADIAのレコーディングにも参加している。その後ソロに転じ5枚のアルバムを発表。
1990年よりロンドンに移住。1990年代はTHE WILLARD、BLANKEY JET CITY、マルコシアス・バンプのプロデュースで健在振りをアピール。その後LUNA SEAのギタリスト・SUGIZOの勧めで再びソロアーティストとしても復帰した。また2001年には佐久間正英の呼びかけで屋敷豪太、ミック・カーン、ビビアン・スーと共にThe d.e.pを結成。アルバム1枚とシングル2枚をリリースした他、単独ライヴやGLAYのライヴへのゲスト出演などをしている。
2008年3月、加藤和彦、小原礼、屋敷豪太、ANZAとVITAMIN-Q featuring ANZA結成。12月にアルバムをリリース。
2013年11月、自身主催のレーベルより15年振りにソロアルバム「Swan Dive」をリリース。
Masami Tsuchiya was born in Shizuoka. He had been learning classic piano with his elder sister in his childhood. However, he was not interested in it against his parent's will.
He was absorbed in Rock music and an electric guitar, but his father had strongly disagreed with it.
He had been practicing the guitar secretly on the rooftop in the midnight.
He won the championships at a lot of guitar contests held in a hometown, and polished guitar technique.
When he was 15 years old, he run away from home.
After he listened to Bob Dylan's "Can You Please Crawl Out Your Window?", he crawled out from the window of the bathroom literally.
After he went up to Tokyo, he lied about his age and worked as "band boy" of "Golden Cups". However, he was taken back soon by families.
After few years, he entered the Nippon University art department to return to Tokyo.
When he was playing the vintage guitar he got by his first part time job at the campus of University, Nobu Saito found Masami and talked to him.
This encounter greatly changed Masami's fate, and he started his career as studio musician, and after few years, he joined to Lilly's "Bye-Bye session band", and Junko Ohashi's "Minoya Central Station".
In 1978, he formed his own band "IPPU-DO"(broke up in 1984).
Meanwhile, he participated in a world tour of British band "JAPAN" as a supporting member. After this activity, he participated in recording of "Arcadia" that formed by Simon Le Bon, Nick Rhodes and Roger Taylor of Duran Duran in 1985. He turned into solo and released five albums after the tour.
He moved to London in 1990. He produced "THE WILLARD", "BLANKEY JET CITY", "Mark Shea vamp" in the 1990s. In 1997, he came back as a solo artist by the advice of guitarist, SUGIZO of the "LUNA SEA" . In 2001, he formed the band, "the d.e.p" with Masahide Sakuma, Gota Yashiki, Mick Khan and Vivian Hsu.
This band released one album and two singles. In 2002 they had independent live and participated in GLAY's live as a guest band.
In March, 2008, he participated in the band "VITAMIN-Q" formed by Kazuhiko Kato. Other members are Rei Ohara, Gota Yashiki and ANZA. This band released an album in December, 2008.
In November 2013, he released his solo album "Swan Dive" from his own label for first time in 15 years.